A message from Keith Michael Fiels, ALA Executive Director to libraries and organizations serving youth ages 5-21.
Dear ALA Member,
The American Library Association has just been contacted by the White
House in partnership with the Corporation for National & Community
Service to get libraries involved in the President’s Summer of Service
program, scheduled to launch on June 22, 2009.
Summer of Service is a “national coalition of major youth-serving
organizations that are committed to engaging youth in service during
the summer months and recognize the potential of youth to identify
issues, develop projects, and provide lasting benefits to the
communities in which they live through volunteer service.” Libraries
and other organizations that work with youth ages 5 to 21 are
encouraged to participate.
Beginning the week of June 8, 2009, libraries and other organizations
will be invited by the White House to list their local volunteer
opportunities online. On June 22, the White House will announce the
initiative to the public at large. The initiative will conclude on
September 11, 2009.